Dunsborough Bridal Prep… 10.11.2012


Claire is my cousins NOW sister in law.. i baby sat for the evening.. and in the morning was asked if i could capture Claires morning bridal preparation.. Its my favorite part of
any wedding.. So of course i jumped up and SAID YES! these girls were adorable and FUN.. i loved capturing the magic of their friendship in an amazing light lit house.. the weather was cold wet and drizzly but the night and event was amazing ..  so here are just a few images of our morning together..


Cameron & Rebecca Wedding Photography 11.11.2012

I love editing wedding images it brings back that day . the smiles the laughs the LOVE.. not only the love of a couple but their family that share tender glances .. a tear and a smile ……. the laughs they shared as they prepare for the day ahead

Being there to witness Camerons first glance at his amazing wife to be .. the smile and the look on his face was just heart melting .. there 2 gorgeous kids at the alter … the loving looks from bec and cam.. as the took in all that was happening around them..

Bec and Cameron we hoping you are enjoying your newly wed days.. and we look forward to sharing the images with you soon.. thank you for choosing us to capture such a memorable time in both your lives .. all the best

D & S x
